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  • info@skillsbucket.in

Women of Worth- WoW Women Workshop

In a race to achieve more, women in today’s world have superlative standards. It can leave them feeling overwhelmed, overworked and underappreciated balancing the two main prime areas; work and home. Women can navigate their path to the top by integrating work and life and being assertive.

WoW program is a special workshop for the women in the corporate world, to achieve their dreams both at professional and personal front. The program will increase their self esteem and show practical solutions to manage their issues. The program will be highly individualistic and result oriented with participants making their individual action plans.

Learning Outcomes

  • Create SMART goals in life
  • Find out the key areas that affect their life, where they stand and where they want to go
  • Being Assertive and learning the Art of saying ‘NO’
  • Learning different negotiation styles for a win-win approach
  • Find their individual work life balance
  • Learning the steps to climb the corporate ladder

Who should attend

All women employees at all levels

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